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I went to Star on a friends advice, after being told by another local tailoring service that it was not possible to alter the dress I had bought for my daughters wedding. I was devastated as it was the only dress I had liked after months of searching. It was lovely, and the perfect colour, but did not fit well. I now faced having to find a new outfit with just a few weeks to the wedding. So I tried Star and they said they could do it for me. It was altered from under the bodice, had new darts sewn in, shortened and the zip re fitted. It was perfectly done, and so many people complimented me on my outfit on the day. The cost was very reasonable too, considering all the work they had done. I was so grateful to them, for making my outfit perfect. They were not there the day I collected it, it was their daughter so could not thank them in person. I would not hesitate in recommending them.

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